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Jazoon 2007: End of day two

After lunch I dropped in on Øystein Grøvlen's intro to JavaDB/Derby.

Supports some cool things I didn't know about, like support for external authentication mechanisms, encryption, calling java from SQL (for whatever reasons you want to do that for).

Different persistence mediums (file, jar, memory). Derby must be started as a networkServer in order for other applications to connect to it outside the runtime.

SQuirrel is a nice tool for browsing the db.

Had a quick talk with him afterwards on HSQL vs Derby in typically JUnit tests (like in a subclass of Spring's AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests). HSQL is still faster, and in-memory implementation of Derby is still in the experimental phase. It can be tuned by turning off some logging, and doing setup in @BeforeClass (junit 4) should help.


David (Day) Nuescheler's talk on AJAX on top of JCR. At the same time as this was pushing their CRX content repo thingie, it was actually quite a cool product. R-JAX is a JS API for reading and manipulating a content repository (js read, form post to write).

The slides are real nice! Nice chalk on blackboard thing going on there..

It runs on CRX. David does us the favour of showing off CRX's user-friendly installer :)

He uses webdav to mount the content repository. Is this webdav connector the one in Jackrabbit, I wonder?

There is obviously a servlet that listens to rjax.js functions. Nice url mapping between actual content and the servlet. Good to see some good has come of Fielding joining Day :)

Any security implications? Well, many of the other AJAX talks have strifed that subject..

Live demo of reimplementing a blog in 15 minutes. Very cool.

Ah, he actually managed to do it in 10 minutes (write post + archive)! He says it's the first and last time he managed to do it in time. The whole thing was done in 15 minutes and about 10 seconds. Impressive!


Then there was this great talk on RESTful WS and Java support for this coming into a JSR. Paul Sandoz is spec lead on JAX-RS. His advice is read the book, Restful Webservices (ordered it from Amazon like two months ago but it still hasn't arrived).

An API that helps you develop RESTful services. Get rid of boiler-plate url and json mapping.

Soec is still in an early version.

Declarative annotation of doGet in servlets, like @ProductMime("application/xml") .

Servlet Artist is annotation @UriTemplate("/artists/{id}"). The annotations are also applicable to POJOs.

Nice with sub-resources (artist/13/recordings)

Greg Murray does some good blogging on the subject.

It reminds me slightly of Struts2's @Result annotations.

When it comes to responses, instead of returning outputstreams they use Block's builder pattern.

The @UriPram is pretty cool, does injection of parameter values. I wonder whether there are any advanced converters for going from request parameters to field values.

Still some open issues in the spec when it comes to filters, authorization, etc. Jersey is the reference implementation.

Demo with Netbeans, hitting on breakpoints in generated Resource classes when firing off Resource requests/uris.

Looks like Netbeans has got a webtest framework. Interesting.

This is really cool stuff, there's a MatisseBlogger thick client that utilizes the API. Will have to keep an eye on this.


Next up I had a hard time finding an interesting subject. JavaDB performance would be cool, but I'm pretty satisfied with the performance as it is. Besides, it's quite likely that I will bump into these guys back home some time.

Went to the Swing/flash/ajax integration. Mixing different technologies on the client side. It's nice to get some input on what to use for rich clients these days, so I'm hoping I'll get some of that in this talk.

After some theory it's a demo based on the flex hybrid phone store example.

Then onto the Flex/Ajax bridge.

Instead of getting the Flex app as a DOM element you use the bridge to access the Flex model.

Moving on to bridging Swing to Ajax. They've got a demo application, a Swing app that embeds a small browser window with a Google Maps underlay. The cool part is that the zoom-function, a JS-function in the Maps API has been extracted into a Swing controller. Inside the controller there's like fBrowser.executeScript(map.zoom..). The protocol for shipping these requests is proprietary, there is no native JS event handling in Swing, naturally.

Next up is integrating flash into a Swing application. ActiveXControl.CallFunction, only works through IE at the moment.

Nearly fell asleep at this point. I have to hand it to you, German/Swiss people have a *very* monotone voice when speaking English for some reason. Combine that with free beer during the evening before and you get nappy listeners :)

To wake back up, I tapped in on some blog analytics. Since I started blogging on Jazoon, the search income on the stats have pushed up traffic quite a bit. Sorry I'm not putting more energy into making these posts more readable/interesting.


Ajax enterprise for Java... By Greg Murray whose blog was mentioned in the previous presentation. This talk was great for a quick run-up in jMaki and various Ajax toolkits Sun are working with these days. I didn't take too much notes as I was listening carefully to lots of interesting tips about Javascript, cross domain scripting workarounds and request-keys used to restrict/control JS requests.


All in all, it has been a great day at Jazoon. The quality on the talks was generally higher than the ones I went to yesterday. Next up is dinner, then BOFs.


  1. Anonymous27/6/07 15:00

    Thanks for mentioning our talk (Mixing Ajax Swing and Flash). And sorry you fell asleep. The slides, demos and the source code are posted on our RIA blog.
    By the way, having lived in Norway for a while, I know what free beer does to you guys ;-).


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