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Showing posts from September, 2013

Finally a Book on Google Guava

Well, this was about time: Google Guava at PacktPub TL;DR: There's a little book about Guava out. I've had a quick look through it and it looks mighty fine. Earlier this week I got an offer to review this new book on Google Guava. For those of you who don't know Guava, I dare say it is the finest utility tool-belt library available for Java development. The author, Bill Bejeck , hasn't been involved with the development of Guava, but he has blogged some articles on the subject in the past . What I've read so far in the book speaks that he knows what he's talking about. Why do you need a book about Guava? Now, Guava is a library where you can only fully immerse yourself by reading through all of the JavaDoc, and in the first few rounds of doing so you probably won't understand half of it. What you can do instead, for starters, is to read through the GuavaExplained wiki pages , which offer a much nicer reading experience, but go into very littl