I didn't really get around to take any notes the last day. Or well, I did take some notes but I lost them.. Here's what I attended at least: Neil Gafter's keynote about closures A slightly booring talk by Danny Coward on the future of Java OSGi embedded <- good talk. Interesting topic, good speakers and demos Q & A about Web 3.0 with Henry Story <-good talk Discussed Jackrabbit performance with David Nuescheler so I was late for the last, and most interesting talk of the day: The build-up of artificial complexity <-- good talk In the last talk, I asked the speaker whether he thought extensions of Java as a platform was a fair way of increasing complexity vs new languages better fit for the job (a more powerful platform does reduce the need for new components), with a particular regard to AOP and Closures. He answered that AspectJ in runtime would be considered a foreign component increasing complexity quite a bit, but closures would be more of a welcome add
My thoughts on software development.