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Showing posts from March, 2013

Announcing GitMinutes - a Podcast for Git Users

I'm a bit late to my own party here, but I've launched a podcast called GitMinutes . If you've been listening to my amateur/sandbox podcast tfnico's rants , you knew about this already, but now I finally got around to properly flaunt it on my own blog. Why GitMinutes? It's an obvious rip of Scott Hanselman's Hanselminutes , but hey, he nicked This Developer's Life from This American Life . I think GitMinutes has a great ring to it, it's easy to spell, and it had zero hits on Google before I started this. But why a whole podcast about Git? I'll admit it is a fairly narrow scope. But I was listening to a few technical podcast episodes lately that were about Git, and I wasn't really happy with the substance of it. Also, I was recently approached about writing a Git book, but I figured that I could make something cooler than a book instead. Also, there aren't enough technical podcasts for me to listen to, so I decided to add a lit...

The Stuff You Didn't Get Around To Read

Don't you think it's hard to keep up with everything going on out there? You probably think there's not enough time in the day to dig into the latest things going on in IT, science, games, sports, politics, finance, or whatever your interests are. Not to mention all those great books you got off Amazon, which are just stacking up. Maybe you got a Kindle or a tablet to help you get more reading done. And then there are those 200 videos from that awesome conference on Vimeo for free! Will have to dig through them soon. In a vain attempt to trick yourself into believing you'll get around to consuming all the material, you star it on Twitter. You tag it for later. You add it to Instapaper. Read Later. Watch Later. An ever increasing backlog of information you want to absorb, but the truth is that you'll never catch up. What if I were to say: You do have the time. You're just not using it right. You're trying to consume good information, but you'...