This post is part of a series on Git and Subversion . To see all the related posts, screencasts and other resources, please click here . In preparations for presenting "Living with Git and Subversion in parallel" at GearConf in a few weeks, I've been practicing a Git+SVN exercise, going through all the steps from Git-cloning a Subversion repo, to full centralized Git-SVN mirror. While I was doing this, I figured I might as well make some more use of this, and record some screencasts as I go along. I've just posted the first three on YouTube , and collected all my various works on Git and Subversion on this page . Feedback is much appreciated! Update: I'll try embedding the videos here on the blog too: Git+SVN #1: Cloning a repo Git+SVN #2: Some commits back and forth Git+SVN #3: Conflicts
My thoughts on software development.