Note: Blogger is probably gonna mess up the styles in this post pretty bad, so forgive me if I re-post a couple o' times. View the original post if the feed item is garbled. I've figured I need to get rolling on the example/reference case for the Action Domain Object-talk. After some long and hard pondering I drifted away from the insurance domain and into something far more web 2'ish: an online community site. I'm gonna call it The Universe . It's pretty simple, facebook'ish application that includes Worlds, Groups, Rooms and People . Some cases: The Universe can crud (save, browse and delete) Worlds A World can crud Groups , Rooms and People A Group/Room can add/remove People (members) (or a Person can join/part Rooms and Groups) A Person can send messages to People or Rooms A Room is like a chat-room, as opposed to Group which is a more permanent organization of People These 6 different entities are my Action Domain Objects. It does have some complexing fea...
My thoughts on software development.