It's very easy to get side-trekked from blogging by doing stuff on other platforms, like Twitter, StackOverflow and forums. A more recent and inviting platform is coderwall for sharing #protips (I really hate that term, but, whatever). It looks nice and adds some discoverability for fellow enthusiast on whatever topic you're posting on (which in my case happens to be mostly Git ). Still, I don't want my regular blog readers to miss out on the premium octane knowledge I scatter around the web, so here's a couple of my recent tips I felt like cross-posting (also see the very valuable comments): Shorter Git URLs - Showcasing how you can shorten SSH URLs using ~/.ssh/config Create a random commit - For when you are playing with Git and just need a quick unique commit See which Git command you use the most - By parsing through your shell history On the last one, I pasted the output into LibreOffice Calc and got myself a nice graph: All my coderwall tips ar...
My thoughts on software development.