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Showing posts from June, 2012

The Anatomy of a Git Pull

Ever seen something like this? ➜  ~/projects/gitblit/[master]>git pull remote: Counting objects: 5899, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1322/1322), done. remote: Total 5746 (delta 4099), reused 5413 (delta 3770) Receiving objects: 100% (5746/5746), 3.78 MiB | 853 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (4099/4099), completed with 98 local objects. From git://  * [new branch]      bootstrap  -> origin/bootstrap  * [new branch]      gh-pages   -> origin/gh-pages  * [new branch]      issues     -> origin/issues  * [new branch]      ldap       -> origin/ldap    8f73a7c..67d4f89  master     -> origin/master  * [new branch]      rpc        -> origin/rpc From git://  * [new tag]         v0.9.1 ...

Broken Snapshots in Java Builds

Recently I've done a lot of thinking about build tools, especially in regards to Maven, Grails and Gradle, and how they play into release management and versioning with Git. This is just a post to get some of those thoughts off my chest. I'll come back to Gradle in future posts, as I build some more experience with it at work. A few months ago, I wrote an article on our company blog about Grails' broken snapshot dependency mechanism . Even though Grails (up onto, and including Grails 2) support snapshot dependencies, the feature is flawed in a way that makes it unusable for us. This will be fixed in Grails 3, but we couldn't wait that long, so we ended up hacking together a workaround. This article describes why and how we did it. ( cont ) Now I've done a lot of modularization of huge builds over the years, and I've come to really like Maven's snapshot dependencies as an enabler for balancing between externalizing a library, and keeping it as part of th...

Github for Windows - first impressions

The other day I was listening to the recent Hanselminutes about Github for Windows  (from now on abbreviated to GhfW ), and decided to take it for a spin. I've had my pains explaining people how to set up Git on Windows, and I have pretty high hopes for this tool making it easier. Dude, where's the frame.. At first I was a bit unsure if it was actually running, and not some popup on the current webpage: Metro style lack of frame around the application This is the first Metro style application I've installed, I think. And it didn't take long to like the feel of the application, cause it feels light, smooth and fast. I heard that GhfW can be a real memory hog, but I can't really confirm that here. It starts off taking 50 megs, and then later grows to 120 with a few repos checked out. At the end of writing this blog post it's at 200 megs. But I already have Git set up Now, my Windows is already set up to use Git, so I was a bit surprised to see that af...