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Showing posts from May, 2011

Added some ads..

I've just added some ads to this blog as well as my homepage . This is more out of curiosity than it is for making money, but maybe it'll be enough to pay for the domain ;) I'll keep them for a few weeks, and then take them away if there are any complaints. Please give me a tweet or a comment if you think they have a detrimental effect on the content.

AgileCoachCamp: Germany

In a few weeks I'm driving down to the AgileCoachCamp: Germany ( #accde11 ). It's taking place in a place called Johannesberg, near Frankfurt am Main, from 17th till 19th of June. I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm sure there'll be a lot of eye openers on how to help agile adoption. My personal pain-point is how to avoid agile saturation , meaning where an organization comes to the point where they have "enough agile", or too many non-movable obstacles are in the way of further change. I'm really looking forward to finally interact in-person with other people on the German agile scene, as well as some from other countries. It's been a while since my last agile gathering/conference (apart from the Bonn XP meetups ), so this will be a blast!

Git-SVN at GearConf 2011

It's that time of the year again! Well, actually last year GearConf took place in October , and this year it's June 9-10th. Well, anyhow. Again I've gathered up some premium octane Git-SVN knowledge , a bit like the stuff I did at the RuhrJUG in Essen , but this time I have to fit it into a slot smaller than one hour. At least I hope to fit in the interaction with Jenkins and GitHub this time, and do a bit less of the git-svn basics. So, if you live around the Ruhr  area, in  NRW , or otherwise nearby, get your GearConf ticket  now!