Back when I started studying at uni, I took a course called "Organization and management of technical projects" ( Norwegian course page link ). The course was structured in a very interesting way, and dealt with a measure of topics which are still very relevant for me today (team psychology and leadership, project planning, estimating, etc). It was also held in parallell with a practical software development project ( Norwegian link ). I won't write too much about the course itself, but I want to write about the final "exam". We were asked to write a ~15 page essay reflecting on the subject based on our experiences from the practical project combined with the curricular theory. I handed in my copy in June 2004, just about as I started earning money as a software developer. Some times recently I've wondered if there are any nuggets in that essay (entitled Project management for the Nintendo generation) that I can still reason about today. (Skip to the bottom ...
My thoughts on software development.